Frequently Asked Questions

How old are you? Where are you from?
I'm in my 20's. I'm born and raised in Dallas, TX, but I currently reside in Las Vegas, NV as of September 2013
Are you married/single? Kids no kids?
I'm married.  I have 2 children.
What size do you wear in clothing? Shoes?
I wear a normal size of a 20, BUT it depends on the fabric, who made it, and construction of the garment. So it can range from a size 16-22. For instance I normally wear a 2X or 3X from Forever 21. My shoe size is a 10, BUT if the shoes is made narrow I will have to got to an 11.
What are places you shop for clothes?Shoes?  
Honestly everywhere. I always try to remain budget conscious so where ever there is a sales rack I will be there. My favorite place of course is Forever 21, but I love Image, Its Fashion, Dots, any Thrift Stores as well. For shoes it really depends on if they carry 10s and 11s. But I love,,, a shop called Shu Deals (Dallas, TX).
Who does your makeup and hair?
I do all my makeup and I buy wigs! I love makeup and anything beauty! I'm not a professional makeup artist, but I'm close! As far as my hair I went natural in 2009. I was wearing a fade for about a year and a half. I'm still natural and have a sizable afro, but to keep up with my need to change styles I have started wearing wigs.

 What  are some of your favorite blogs?
OK since I have been enthralled into blogging, I first started to notice my plus size bloggers first, but of course now I know of many others So here's my list in no order
Stylish Curves                             
•Karla's Closet                
•Fashion Bomb Daily       
•Fashion Steele NYC           
Trust me the list is way longer!!!!
 Why do you call it "Big Boned" Style, medically speaking no one can be "big boned"?
I know that medically a person cannot be "big boned." It is a term that a lot people from the South use to describe a big/overweight women. I guess you could consider it a colloquialism for fat girls! Medically speaking of course.
Would you consider sponsorship or do product reviews?
I would consider sponsorship and product reviews, but I would always inform my readers and subscribers! I would never give a positive review on something I wouldn't use. My honesty and integrity is something that wouldn't be hindered just to receive free products. So to my readers and subscribers if I do a product review it will be my very own honest opinion.
Will you ever go into the Youtube realm?Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Pinterest?
For now Youtube and twitter is a no. I do have a personal Facebook page, but it's mostly for family and close friends. I do have Instagram my name is @big_bonedbeauty. And my Pinterest account is under Big Boned Style!

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